New Project!

Hi everyone (and anyone who is new to my blog!),

So I have been away from this site for a bit, and I just wanted to say that I have a good reason (at least in my mind)!

So I’m taking a course that requires me to do almost anything I’d like and at the same time make sure it’ll either help  or give something to the community.

My fancy idea? Write something! But not anything…

I, for some odd reason, thought it would be a good and doable idea to write a book.

Yes, a book…in the span of four months…

I’m not even a professional writer so I have no clue how that’s going to work out.

I have hope though! I think it’ll be more of a novella. Here’s what I have in mind:

Hypothesis: I will finish my ‘book’ before the end of June.

Materials needed: Computer, thesaurus, the internet, ideas, and willpower!

Genre: A mix of action and mystery

My idea: I’m not going to give it away, but I really enjoy reading books with a lot going on and something that takes readers by surprise. So don’t expect anything boring (I hope).

How long: I’m aiming between 80-100 pages for it to be considered a novella.

Time: I started two months ago and I have about two more to go. (!)

Stress: I’m not very stressed. I’m a renowned procrastinator. I only hope that my best work is going to be presented with the time frame I have!

Audience: Young adults and over. Also anybody who’s interested in the synopsis (which will remain a secret until further notice due to copyright issues).

Would I do anything else? No. It was either this or teaching people some Spanish, but I know people who already do speak it, and I don’t think what I’d learned would stay with people long-term.

If you’re interested in reading this, let me know (via email, comments, or on Instagram) and I will definitely try to send you a copy in whatever way I can so you can enjoy it!

I’ll probably bring this up again once it’s finished. I might even bring it up even more if I have news about it!

If you have done something similar, or are doing something like this, let me know!

Best wishes,